TENDER OPPORTUNITY : 20-21kW Solar PV Installation Opportunity

Published on 8 May 2024 at 10:43


This project is [funded/part-funded] by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

20-21kW Solar PV Installation Opportunity

This tender starts on Wednesday 8th May 2024 and finishes at midday on Friday 31st May 2024.  Roof mounted Solar Photovoltaic installation for the Bishop Sutton Village Hall (BSVH). 


The Village Hall Committee wishes to improve the Village Hall with the fitting of Solar Photovoltaic (Solar PV) panels on the south facing roof of the 25 year old building with the intention of reducing the carbon footprint of the building and reduce energy costs.


This invitation to tender is for the supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a new Solar PV system together with suitable battery storage and ability to feed in to the Export Tariff to the National Grid. A full handover of all documents associated with the installation will be required prior to final formal handover.

BSVH requires the installation of Tier 1 (good quality) solar panels and battery storage on the south facing hall roof using trapezoidal fixings.

The installation will include a suitable 3-phase power supply generating between 20-21kW peak of installed Solar PV. A DC coupled battery storage of a minimum of 20.5kW to suit in line with National Grid guidelines is also required.

Tender Timelines

This tender starts on Wednesday 8th May 2024 and finishes at midday on Friday 31st May 2024.

Installation Timelines

We expect the successful tenderer to begin work by 1st July 2024 with completion no later than 31st August 2024.

Selection Process

The successful contractor will be chosen based on the following criteria.

60% 40%

* A full explanation is set out in the Invitation to Tender. The scoring description is shown below.

0 Poor No response and/or evidence is unacceptable or non-existent, or there is a failure to properly address any issue. The purchasing organisation does not have any confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and ability to meet its requirements.
1 Weak The response and/or the evidence are deficient (or not relevant) in the majority of areas and the purchasing organisation has a low level of confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.
2 Unsatisfactory Large portions of the response are not satisfactory and/or are not supported by a satisfactory level of evidence and the purchasing organisation has limited confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.
3 Satisfactory The response is satisfactory and supported by an acceptable standard of relevant evidence but with some reservations/issues not addressed. The purchasing organisation is satisfied with the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.
4 Good The response is comprehensive and supported by a good standard of relevant evidence and provides the purchasing organisation with a good standard of confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.
5 Very Good The standard of the response is very high and the relevance of the response and the supporting evidence is very comprehensive and provides the purchasing organisation with a very high level of confidence in the bidder’s experience, capacity and capability to meet its requirements.


Please note that this is not a contract for Bath & North East Somerset. For further details of this opportunity please contact Derek Maltby, Chairman of Bishop Sutton Village Hall Committee,  chair@bishopsuttonvillagehall.com

Please download the tender specification below for full description of the works and the information required to be returned by the closing date.

Solar Panel Bishop Sutton VH Specification 070524 Pdf
PDF – 225.4 KB 162 downloads

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